Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Fuck Your Beliefs: There Are No Past Lives

He cries, she cries, they cry
Mum, dad; I need you. Sigh

Orphanage or home. Loneliness
Common theme, you my highness

I am hungry, I am cold, I need cloths
Is this written in your ethical codes?

They say it is karma. Just survive
Who cares? It’s your fault to be alive

Of a past life; someone else
Bear the pain and suppress

There is no past life; Fuck your beliefs
Capitalism; ignorance of those thieves

Be wary of those, the charlatans
They want you to follow their guns

Past lives; an excuse to smoke grass
A reason not to move your lazy arse

I’m not ready, destiny; all that crap
Wishful thinking; no there is no map

Simple; it feels good to blame
Why should I take the shame?

There is one life as Buddha said
You are reborn after you’re dead

Said the same Jesus, he was a saint
Ignorance was your past life. Now faint

Open your eyes and see the ray
Wake up! Look: it is a new day

Hell or Heaven depends on your bliss
You are reborn in your consciousness

Be quiet; listen to what Rumi’s said:
How long are you going to stay dead?

1 comment:

Nick Fulton said...

This is the best piece you have ever written. I love it.