Monday, November 27, 2006

Soul's Color

The color of the heart is green.
The color of the mind is blue.

The color of the soul is pink.

What about the spirit?


What are your colors?

Opposite of fear

Have you ever wondered what the opposite of fear is?
I tell you of its synonyms:

Anger is fear
Sadness is fear
Depression is fear
Stress is fear
Uncertainty is fear
Anxiety is fear

They all feel bad.

Uncertainty is what keeps us going. We live because we don't know what's next. Fear is what keeps us from suicide. Fear of the after life -- It is uncertain -- we don't know if it is better or worse. Fear is good but yet not so good.

Fear ruins us. It destroys our soul. I kills the very love that is inside us.

Fear kills love.
Fear does not exist. Fear is the absence of love. Where there is love, there is no fear.

So love more and fear less.

Be more happy and less sad.

Be more calm and less angry.

Be you and just be you. The real you.

Break away

Break away from your customs
From your culture

Break the rules
Set yourself free

Feel the love
Set yourself free

Don't listen to them
They fear

Set yourself free

I like it

There is something in the air
I don't know what or where

It feels warm, pure
Soft, loving

Have you ever felt you are bigger than the universe?
That's how I feel

I can't tell you how
But I feel it

It feels secure, clean
Big and powerful

You don't know how much I want you to feel it too
That's how I feel

It is not empty
It is not full
It is full and it is empty

But it is pure, it is soft
It feels good, I like it

I like its rhythm, it rimes
It feels right, clear

No need to speak,
No need to listen

I can't tell you how much I love this feeling
I can't tell you how much I want you to feel it too

It is the feeling of me
It is my soul talking

I wish I could talk back

I like it
I like it

It is my heart
But it is above it, in the air

It blows on my skin
It cuddles

I like it

Monday, November 20, 2006

Unconditional Love

I have a tag line, it is more like a question. It is on top of my blog. It reads: “If you where asked to draw love, how would you draw it?”

Before I get into unconditional love, let me explain what love is. To be scientific, love is a hormone. Did you know chocolate creates love hormones? No wonder everybody loves it. Also science now tells us that love is a learnt process in the brain. We learn to love the same way we learn to fear, the same way we learn to walk. Well this is in fact true. I strongly agree that the love you feel for your favourite chocolate or movie, your partner or your child is a message just coming from your brain. Your brain tells you that she is so beautiful, then it sends a message to your stomach and your stomach responds with butterflies. You see your new born for the first time and she looks so beautiful, so small and so cute, your brains creates the message “this is my baby, I love it so much”.

Well, yes, this is the reality of conditional love, just messages coming from the brain. As soon as you find out that your partner cheated on you, you get so angry, there it is, all the love is gone. Only attachment stays – oh I miss her, we did have good moments you know, but he is so perfect, I love her, I should give her another chance. Pure brain and pure conditional love. It is the reality that the way we’ve learnt to love is purely conditional on certain things fitting the criteria; he is so tall and hansom, she is so beautiful and slim.

Unconditional love is a love that is not learned through conditional processes such as cause and effect, physical contact or looks. In other words unconditional love is a love that radiates purely to give, without a reason without a condition. It’s a giving that is not based on received or perceived satisfaction acquired from giving it. It does not come from the 5 senses nor is received from them. Unconditional love does not come from the brain. It comes from the heart. I’m telling you: how you love and the love you receive is 99.99% conditional. I say this with confidence because feeling of unconditional love is so powerful, it is so amazing that if you had felt it you would have known that there is difference. Isn’t it time to stop for a second and ask yourself is that true? Ask yourself is conditional love the only thing you want to give while you live on planet earth?

Because of our conditional upbringing, we learnt to shut out our hearts and widely open our brains. If you wish to experience unconditional love - the most amazing force in the universe - then you will have to learn how to open your heart. When your heart opens for the first time after it closed many many years ago, its feeling, its power and its mightiness is so amazing, is so beautiful that you will never ever want to love conditionally again.

I’m not going to tell you how to open your heart. But if you have the thirst for it, if you are curious, if you feel that you want it. You will seek it. You will find the articles on the internet or books or people that feel right to you and nobody else.

Why should you believe me? Well don’t. Don’t until you have experienced it. You shouldn’t believe anything unless you have experienced it. It is like a scientific experiment; it has a hypothesis, it has a method and results that have been confirmed by the community of people who took the hypothesis and followed the method. It is like an orgasm; before you’ve had your first orgasm you have no idea what it feels like. You can imagine, but you don’t know. You know it can happen, you find yourself a lover, you follow the method with pleasure and then comes the result that has been confirmed by all the people who have had sex.

If it feels right to you, take it, if it doesn’t then it is probably not right for you.

Happiness while Living in Duality

Two years ago, I wasn’t exactly the happy type. I was tired all the time, I was sad, depressed, stressed. I used to argue with my parents and partner all the time… Until I realized that I lived in duality. You are probably asking ‘what is duality?’

Duality is the concept of thinking opposites all the time. For example, this apple is sweet or sour, this book is good or bad, this feels right or wrong or in general everything is perceived as either negative or positive.

I had learnt in my psychology courses that the perception of positive or negative are only true for the observer. So I thought to myself, since as a human I am doomed to live in duality, what happens if I eliminate negativity from my life and be positive all the time?

So I started by writing things that I didn’t like and tried to eliminate them from my life. I stayed away from certain people or functions, I stopped watching sad movies, I avoided arguments by saying I’m sorry as quickly as I could so basically I avoided anything that stressed me out or made me unhappy.

They say to be happy you have to find inner-happiness. But they didn’t teach us at school how to find it or where to find it. So I thought to myself what if I do things that make me happy and bring me joy? I started watching more comedies, I hung out with good friends, I cooked exotic dishes and enjoyed good food. And of course smiled and laughed more often.

I still have unhappy moments in my life, but now I have more happy moments than unhappy ones.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Action and Reaction

There is a universal inevitable law.

If for example you hit a wall with a ball it bounces back. If you dissolve sugar in water, you get sweet water.

Now look at this example:

If you do well in an exam you get a good mark. When You get a good mark, you get happy. You did well in the exam because you said no to "distractions" and scarified the time you could play around and studied well instead.

If you do bad in the exam you get a bad mark. When you get a bad mark, you become sad. You did bad in the exam because you said yes to "distractions" and chose to play around.

These are the laws of physics and classical conditioning. There is a greater law in the universe that governs this all. It is called the law of Action and Reaction. For everything you do, there is a response.

Basically, if you do/act/think something negative, you will receive something negative. For example you might scratch your watch against the wall or hit your toes to the table.

However, if you do/act/think something positive, you will receive something positive. For example your best friend calls you, your lover sends you flowers, you get a good pay rise or you receive a smile.

So next time you decide to be dishonest and sell your cell phone more than its value, not pay your taxes, show off, be selfish, don't listen to your sister with patience and smile, don't respect others, lie or create any sort of negative energy in the universe, think again! You can receive anything negative in return; your house might burn down, someone can make you very upset or you might hit your tow somewhere!!! ooooach.....

The more negative energy you send out, the more negative experiences you will have. The more positive energy you send out, the more pleasant life will be.

Some believe that this law is not as straight forward as it sounds. For every 1 you give, you receive 10 in return. We all once thought electrons orbit around the nucleus, but it turns out to be much more complex than that.

So if you want to have good things happening to you all the time, you better work hard for it and stay positive.

Things that create positive energy:

Unconditional Charity
Unconditional Helping the helpless
Unconditional Community work
Unconditional Loving of everything and everyone
Unconditional Smiling
Making someone feel good
Positive visualisation (thinking of helping someone?)
And so on...

P.s. The law of Action and Reaction is part the greater law of Karma.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Desire - The Divided Self - WHO AM I?

It is always hard to distinguish between desires, lust, demand, need, goal and love. All these are different from each other, but one can easily be defined by the other. Therefore, they are all essentially the same.

Every human being is born with 1 self. After birth the baby cries "who am I?" because while it was in the womb it knew "I am that".

During life, every human being creates more selves around the primitive one. Because one is always questioning "Who am I?". Sometimes the primary question is modified and becomes "Who should I be?" "A social worker? A doctor? or a gang member?" The number of selves grows so much that the primitive one becomes lost. These selves are created by the person to satisfy the soul, but interestingly the person never feels satisfied?

If you have the desire to do spiritual stuff e.g. you have a desire to open your third eye. These essentially create another self on top of the others. Imagine that you have your third eye open and see creatures of other worlds... These things are again external to you and still won't satisfy the question.

Dictionary define ego as: "An exaggerated sense of self-importance; conceit. Appropriate pride in oneself; self-esteem. " But ego should really be defined as "the conscious that most immediately controls thought and behaviour, and is most in touch with external reality."
So it is the ego that creates the selves because it is concerned with the external life. Taking control of the ego therefore reduces the interaction with the external world and directs one to his/her inner selves until it reaches the true self. This is the big " I " the wise men talk about. This is what they mean when they say "You be you".

Is self-realization a desire? No it is much more real than a desire. Desire is bound to time and space. Self-realization is the answer to the question "Who am I?"
To give a personal experience, when I was little I thought I'd be a space physics engineer. Then my sister bought a computer and I said, no I'll do computer graphics. Then I came to New Zealand, this time I did computer science and I worked as a programmer. Two years ago I thought, no……, I want to become a psychologist, so I studied psychology for a year. But now I work as software developer. All these years I've been asking the wrong question from myself "Who should I be?" but really... I should have asked "Who am I ?"

Friday, November 17, 2006

I must be dead

Take my hand, show me the world

Show me the wonders and the bad

Tell me of the oak tree, of the grandma

Keep me warm, it is cold in here.

I can’t hear you, are you speaking?

Your heart is cold, mine is blowing

I want to know, who loves me not.

Just sit still, in meditation

You will hear if you listen.

It is whispering: I love you not

Block your ears and don’t listen

Open your heart, feel the fear

The voice of love is in here

He took my hand, showed the world

Of the wonders and of the bad

Grandma, the oak tree are all here.

I feel pain, it is my heart

It has shattered.

I can’t breath, I can’t hear

I can’t cry and can’t laugh either

I feel free, like the feather

I must be dead, I must be dead.


Welcome to Mystical Nima. This is my first post.